Life after the Typhoon
Author: Főadmin Date: 2014. március 26., szerda 15:42
It has been four months since the strongest typhoon of all time hit the city of Naval and its surrounding areas in the Philippines. Evidence of the destruction can still be seen but survivors are rebuilding their lives.
From time to time, HBAid sends its workers to visit the children supported by the “Support a Child!” symbolic adoption program. At this time, they distribute packages consisting of foodstuffs to families who need it the most. Yesterday they distributed 179 packages in a small village, which means help for approximately 500 people and this week they are also going to give packages to children in Naval.
Love without borders
Workers of HBAid in Tacloban again
Five months after the typhoon in Tacloban (Philippines) and its surrounding areas, Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) is rebuilding a school and a kindergarten that were damaged, distributing water purification systems for families, and helping injured children.