Helping in Texas
Author: Főadmin Date: 2017. szeptember 05., kedd 15:15
The colleagues of Hungarian Baptist Aid have begun their work in the hurricane stricken areas of Texas on Saturday.
The three-member group joined a team of people from Respond24's North Carolina unit, all working in Nederland, a location close to the Gulf of Mexico. The Americans and Hungarians in cooperation are setting up a mobile kitchen and a hygiene base on Sunday. The humanitarian convoy sent by North Carolina, is a complex unit which is run by volunteers and is able to be operated even when the infrastructure of certain locations have crashed. With the help of this unit, the team is able to prepare 40 thousand meals a day starting on Monday, as well as offering the operation of the hygiene unit in which people in need are able to shower and wash clothes as necessary. László Pavelcze, the Emergency Response director of Hungarian Baptist aid, whose response to the hurricane is his 60th international operation, have said that they have cooperated with the American team in a dozen emergencies and have learnt a lot from each other. Since 2005, this hurricane response is the 5th response in the United States in which the Americans and Hungarian professional humanitarian aid workers and other professionals have worked in cooperation with each other. In most of these cases, they responded to emergencies that were either hurricanes or other tropical storms hitting in different locations. They were there when hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, or during Sandy that hit the East Coast in 2012, as well as during hurricane Matthew hitting the state of Florida in 2016.
On Tuesday US Embassy wrote on it’s Facebook page: “On behalf of the United States, we are grateful for the efforts of the members of the Hungarian Baptist Charity Service who are helping Americans affected by the massive flooding in Houston”
Love without borders
Workers of HBAid in Tacloban again
Five months after the typhoon in Tacloban (Philippines) and its surrounding areas, Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) is rebuilding a school and a kindergarten that were damaged, distributing water purification systems for families, and helping injured children.