Enhancing civil society’s management, fundraising and communication in Ukraine
Author: Főadmin Date: 2017. március 01., szerda 15:36
The main objective of the project is to strenghten local NGO capacities in essential topics highly relevant for civil society development in Ukraine, transfer V4 experiences and strenghten the cooperation among NGOs from V4 countries and Ukraine. In the light of armed conflict in the East Ukraine and political shifts the specific objective of the project is to enhance the basic skills of civil society (including NGO management and field staff) including those dealing with the humanitarian situation.
The capacity building program will consist of 4 components: training, study visits, consultancy and awareness activities. 1. The Training Program (7 trainings) will be designed in a way to deliver recommendation and skills, reflecting challenges faced by NGOs and civil society in general. The topics of the tranings are: Strategic and Project management, Communication, Fundraising, Volunteers, Social work, Crisis intervention. 2. The Study Visits will be an opportunity for key staff from 4 local NGOs to spend 1 week in the office of 4 project partners. 3. The Consultancy Mentorship will be provided online to the participants of the trainings by the experts of the project partners´ organizations to help participants accomplish the tasks from trainings and elaborate the new skills. 4. The Awareness activities are part of the discussion events in the partners´countries and a conference in Kiev.
The capacity building program proposed to Ukrainian NGOs will provide opportunities for training of individuals starting the career as NGO workers, as well as for more experienced NGO workers to develop specialists skills. The activities will be done from May 2017 till September 2018. The project is realized by ADRA Slovakia, ADRA Czech Republic, Hungarian Baptist Aid, Polish Medical Mission and ADRA Ukraine, funded by Visegrad Fund.
You can find more information about the donor and the partners of the project on the following websites:
Love without borders
Workers of HBAid in Tacloban again
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