Earthquake in Turkey: the special rescue team has arrived in Adana
Author: Főadmin Date: 2023. február 07., kedd 15:22
The HUBA Rescue24 International Fire Brigade, Search and Rescue Team and an emergency medical team with 19 specialists and 7 rescue dogs, arrived in Adana on Tuesday morning, under the direction of commander László Pavelcze, HBAid’s Emergency Management Director, after the Turkish authorities requested international help. The team brought about 2 tons of equipments and contacted the Turkish workers with whom the specialists of the Hungarian rescue organization had previously worked with. The HBAid’s special rescue team worked in Turkey in 1999 and 2001, at the sites of the earthquakes at those times. The members of the rescue team are constantly informed about the on-site conditions from local and international sources, they also took a larger inflatable tent and power generators with them. They expect seven to ten days of work: first, they will search for survivors, and then they will help with medical care.
Several strong earthquakes shook Turkey and Syria early Monday. The epicenter of the largest 7.8-magnitude quake was at a depth of 18 kilometers, which was about 33 kilometers from Gaziantep. The Turkish Disaster Management Agency (AFAD) announced on Tuesday that in Turkey, the number of death from Monday's earthquakes rose to 3.381, while the number of injured rose to 20.426. AFAD also reported that at least 5.775 buildings collapsed in the disaster, and they also received reports of another 11.302 damaged buildings of which conditions could not be assessed for the time being.
If you would like to support the work of our rescue team, we welcome donations online or to these account numbers:
Name of beneficiary’s: Baptista Szeretetszolgálat
Adress of beneficiary’s: 1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 57. 1. em.
IBAN: HU71 1091 8001 0000 0061 6977 0051
Bank name: UniCredit Bank Hungary Ltd.
Swift code: BACXHUHB
Adress of bank: 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 5-6.
Name of beneficiary’s: Baptista Szeretetszolgálat
Adress of beneficiary’s: 1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 57. 1. em.
IBAN: HU36 1091 8001 0000 0061 6977 0099
Bank name: UniCredit Bank Hungary Ltd.
Swift code: BACXHUHB
Adress of bank: 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 5-6.

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