Christmas shoebox action
Christmas Shoebox Action (in Hungarian: ‘Cipősdoboz Akció’) is a charitable movement to collect and give Christmas gifts to disadvantaged children primarily in Hungary. The number one aim is to enable these children to have something which will bring a smile to their faces over the holiday period which will help that will make their lives easier, something that most of us take for granted who otherwise would have not gotten anything.
How did it all start? - Once upon a time there was an English grandmother, who saw the conditions after the World Wars and had pity on the children who could not do anything about the things happenning. So she decided to pack her gifts in a shoebox and sent it to a poor child. She didn’t know that there will be millions of people following her noble act.
’Cipősdoboz akció’ was first organized in 2003 with the collaboration of HBAid. At the time the gifts arrived from Western Europe, but from 2004, HBAid started the first Hungarian driven Operation. Since then, more and more workplaces, schools and communities have joined the charity campaign, and HBAid now distributes more than 50,000 parcels of Christmas gifts to children in need.